Advent Spiral Garden

Event Details

  • Date:

We invite you to come and enjoy the magic of Advent with us by bringing your children to walk the advent spiral.

Please watch for more info to sign up for a time for your family to join us between 5:00-7:00pm.

The space will be set up so you can come in when you arrive, walk the spiral and leave when you are ready. We ask that you go one at a time, letting the child and parent in front of you leave the spiral before you enter. We have a wonderful musician from River Song playing/ singing music for us, and we ask that we try to be as silent as we can, while in this magical space. For those of you who are new to River Song and the advent spiral, it is a simple and magical celebration, enjoying and honoring the light with in each of us. When it is your and your child’s turn, they are handed an apple with a candle in the center. With you by their side they walk the evergreen spiral to the center where they light their candle. They will then walk out and choose a star along the way to leave their candle and apple. Slowly the room will start filling with the light we all have brought.

Further details will be announced near the end of November based on Covid restrictions.

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